My advice for 2020 - Get in the boat


As I write this another year has almost evaporated and we’re on the cusp of a new decade. I’m pondering how fast this last year has gone but also how much has changed. Life as a meditator can sometimes feel like it’s in fast forward. It's funny because most of us come to meditation seeking stillness. But while the stillness we experience in meditation isn’t tangible it’s certainly not devoid of qualities. It enlivens, creativity, energy, intuition and intelligence.


When you tune into stillness daily, life tends to move into the evolutionary “fast lane,” which can mean lots of change. This doesn’t have to mean changing careers or moving house, the less manifest inner changes we go through can be much more profound. The Vedic perspective is, change is inevitable and it’s all that’s ever happening. If you’re meditating, the best place to be is at the forefront, leaping fearlessly into the unknown, following that intuitive impulse. This is where the magic happens. Alternatively, if we cling too tightly to the status quo resisting the natural flow of change and evolution, we’re just asking for the life tornado needed to move us along.


So in light of this, I invite you to think about how you want to enter the next decade. Have you been meditating consistently and want to embrace the unknown more fearlessly? Do you want to commit to getting 2 meditations in daily? Is 2020 the time to learn? Or maybe it’s time to pause, let go of something and give nature the space to organise the next chapter? Just remember whatever you’re experiencing, comfortable or not, it’s the perfect experience for your personal evolution right now. The river only flows in one evolutionary direction, you can't stop it. My advice for 2020, get in the boat.

Stephanie Colman