"So busy"


When people ask how you are, do you reply “so busy”, with an air of overwhelm but also pride? Have you noticed the social conditioning of identifying as a busy person like a badge of honour? It’s good to start questioning our obsession with being busy because the MOST work isn’t always the BEST work. Efficiency and balance are much better markers of success than busy-ness and burnout.

It’s actually possible to do less and accomplish more. The answer lies in the quality of our rest. We know that rest is the basis of activity, therefore deep rest is the basis of dynamic, accurate, efficient and creative activity! 

So how do we add deep rest into the mix you must be thinking? Sleep is unreliable. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad. The more stressed we are the poorer the quality of our sleep, waking up at 3:00am worrying about the next day. To get the most out of our daily action, we need to incorporate a systematic and reliable resting technique.

Introducing Vedic Meditation, a ridiculously easy and effective meditation technique that’s proven to give the body rest much deeper than sleep. It’s a no brainer really, get off the busy train, start meditating today.

Stephanie Colman